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Boston University

How this student rated the school
Educational QualityB- Faculty AccessibilityD
Useful SchoolworkC+ Excess CompetitionC
Academic SuccessB Creativity/ InnovationB-
Individual ValueF University Resource UseC+
Campus Aesthetics/ BeautyF FriendlinessC-
Campus MaintenanceF Social LifeB-
Surrounding CityB Extra CurricularsC
Describes the student body as:
Arrogant, Snooty

Describes the faculty as:
Friendly, Helpful

Quite Bright
Lowest Rating
Individual Value
Highest Rating
He cares more about Campus Maintenance than the average student.
Date: Nov 04 2003
Major: History/Histories (art history/etc.) (This Major's Salary over time)
Let me start with a disclaimer. I'm from New York (Queens to be exact) and I've lived there all my life. And I'd like to say that no city in the world (with the possible exception of London) can compare. That being said, I found that I was mistaken or flat-out misled about a number of things here. First of all, I was stuck in West Campus, a residence that I DIDN'T EVEN PUT ON MY LIST. And let me tell you, a 30 minute walk to CAS at 8:30 AM on a cold November day is not fun at all. Also, I've found that students here tend to form cliques. The most glaring example of this is Music Performance majors from CFA. Not only do they form performance major cliques, they from cliques based on the instruments they play. I recall being ditched by a friend because he was going to a "Trombone-only" party. Another thing that I noticed is how superficial the students here are. I feel like I'm being looked down on because I'm not wearing Versace shirts, Express jeans, and Abercrombie flip-flops. Leave me and my Offspring T-Shirt alone. There is also a huge economic gap among the students here. I can assure you that you will know people who are on work-study just to go here, and others that drive their Porsche Cayenne to class everyday (I do). And everything else I feel about this school has already been said, with the exception of one thing. We pay $40,000 to go to this farce of a school. For the love of God and all things holy, can we please get paper towels in the bathrooms?
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